
From Giki


source: https://nerdiy.de/en/tasmota-nachlaufen-eines-relais-einstellen/

Display current configuration


Set Auto-PowerOff to 4.2 seconds

PulseTime 42

Disable Auto-PowerOff

PulseTime 0

Power calibration

source: https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Power-Monitoring-Calibration/#calibration-procedure

get power, voltage and current of e.g. light bulb

VoltageSet 235
CurrentSet 170

and verify values on main screen (power/watts was correct after updating voltage and current)

Power On State

source: https://tasmota.github.io/docs/PowerOnState/

Control relay state after powering up the device.
0 / OFF = keep relay(s) OFF after power up
1 / ON = turn relay(s) ON after power up
2 / TOGGLE = toggle relay(s) from last saved state
3 = switch relay(s) to their last saved state (default)
4 = turn relay(s) ON and disable further relay control
5 = after a PulseTime period turn relay(s) ON (acts as inverted PulseTime mode)

Turn on after PowerOn and disable toggle/button

PowerOnState 4

default is 3

LED State

source: https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Commands/#control

Manage LED state
0 = disable use of LED as much as possible
1 = show power state on LED (LED on when power on) (default) (inverted for Sonoff Touch/T1)
2 = show MQTT subscriptions as a LED blink
3 = show power state and MQTT subscriptions as a LED blink
4 = show MQTT publications as a LED blink
5 = show power state and MQTT publications as a LED blink
6 = show all MQTT messages as a LED blink
7 = show power state and MQTT messages as a LED blink
8 = LED on when Wi-Fi and MQTT are connected.
Cannot be issued directly and is only activated when LedPower is switched from 0 to 1 due to a software function

LED always off

LedState 0

default is 1

Get request

source: https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Commands/#with-web-requests





Management tools

Tasmota Device Manager (GUI)


HASSIO addin


introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJUhRyi3-BQ


what happens when the wifi (AP) is not available

tasmota devices where in a reboot loop and "open" (as in: promoting their own wifi hotspot and ready to be re-configure and thus - devices connected to it beeing turned on and off)

TODO: look into https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Commands/#wi-fi and configure devices to stick to their configuration (maybe don't reboot at all - just wait until the SSID is back on)

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